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Index grid

Use the index grid component to display a grid of links such as displaying a list of all child pages in a hierarchy.


  1. Status
  2. Images

The index grid includes a tna-container element so doesn’t need to be used within a column system.

Open this example in new tab


<nav class="tna-index-grid" aria-label="My animals">
  <div class="tna-container">
    <div class="tna-column tna-column--width-2-3 tna-column--width-5-6-medium tna-column--full-small tna-column--full-tiny">
      <h2 class="tna-heading-l tna-index-grid__heading">
        My animals
      <p>Animals that I like.</p>
  <ul class="tna-index-grid__items tna-container">
    <li class="tna-index-grid__item-wrapper tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny">
      <a href="#/category-1" class="tna-index-grid__item">
        <img src="" class="tna-index-grid__item-image" width="600" height="400" alt="A small puppy looking upwards">
        <span class="tna-index-grid__item-content">
          <span class="tna-chip tna-index-grid__item-label">Animal<span class="tna-!--visually-hidden">:</span></span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-title">Dogs</span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-subtitle">
            <span class="tna-visually-hidden">(</span>29 photos<span class="tna-visually-hidden">)</span></span>
    <li class="tna-index-grid__item-wrapper tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny">
      <a href="#/category-2" class="tna-index-grid__item">
        <img src="" class="tna-index-grid__item-image" width="600" height="400" alt="Some sea birds on a wooden pier">
        <span class="tna-index-grid__item-content">
          <span class="tna-chip tna-index-grid__item-label">Animal<span class="tna-!--visually-hidden">:</span></span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-title">Birds</span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-subtitle">
            <span class="tna-visually-hidden">(</span>6 photos<span class="tna-visually-hidden">)</span></span>
    <li class="tna-index-grid__item-wrapper tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny">
      <a href="#/category-3" class="tna-index-grid__item">
        <img src="" class="tna-index-grid__item-image" width="600" height="400" alt="A bear looking straight at the camera">
        <span class="tna-index-grid__item-content">
          <span class="tna-chip tna-index-grid__item-label">Animal<span class="tna-!--visually-hidden">:</span></span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-title">Bears</span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-subtitle">
            <span class="tna-visually-hidden">(</span>18 photos<span class="tna-visually-hidden">)</span></span>
    <li class="tna-index-grid__item-wrapper tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny">
      <a href="#/category-4" class="tna-index-grid__item">
        <img src="" class="tna-index-grid__item-image" width="600" height="400" alt="A tiger lying down in an enclosure">
        <span class="tna-index-grid__item-content">
          <span class="tna-chip tna-index-grid__item-label">Animal<span class="tna-!--visually-hidden">:</span></span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-title">Tigers</span>
          <span class="tna-index-grid__item-subtitle">
            <span class="tna-visually-hidden">(</span>7 photos<span class="tna-visually-hidden">)</span></span>


Nunjucks options
Primary options
Name Type Description
supertitle string

The smaller title to display above the main index grid title.

title string


The main title of the index grid.

headingLevel number


The heading level which represents an element from <h1> through to <h6>. Set a headingLevel of 0 to visually hide the title.

headingSize string

The physical size of the index grid title (xl, l, m or s).

Default: m

href string

A URL to use as a link in the grids heading.

hrefClasses string

Classes to add to the elements of the index grid that use href.

hrefAttributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the elements of the index grid that use href.

body string

The HTML for the main body of the index grid. Not displayed if text is set.

text string

The text for the index grid which will be inserted into a <p> element. Overwrites body if it is set.

items array


See items.

lazyImages boolean

If true, make the images a lazily-loaded.

columns string


columnsMedium string
columnsSmall string
columnsTiny string
plainSupertitle boolean

Use a plain supertitle, removing the accented background colour.

classes string

Classes to add to the container.

attributes object

HTML attributes (for example data attributes) to add to the container.

Options for items
Name Type Description
href string


src string


alt string


width number


height number


label string
title string


subtitle string
{% from "nationalarchives/components/index-grid/macro.njk" import tnaIndexGrid %}

{{ tnaIndexGrid({
  title: "My animals",
  headingLevel: 2,
  body: "<p>Animals that I like.</p>",
  items: [
      href: "#/category-1",
      label: "Animal",
      title: "Dogs",
      subtitle: "29 photos",
      src: "",
      alt: "A small puppy looking upwards",
      width: 600,
      height: 400
      href: "#/category-2",
      label: "Animal",
      title: "Birds",
      subtitle: "6 photos",
      src: "",
      alt: "Some sea birds on a wooden pier",
      width: 600,
      height: 400
      href: "#/category-3",
      label: "Animal",
      title: "Bears",
      subtitle: "18 photos",
      src: "",
      alt: "A bear looking straight at the camera",
      width: 600,
      height: 400
      href: "#/category-4",
      label: "Animal",
      title: "Tigers",
      subtitle: "7 photos",
      src: "",
      alt: "A tiger lying down in an enclosure",
      width: 600,
      height: 400
  columns: 4,
  columnsMedium: 3,
  columnsSmall: 2,
  columnsTiny: 1
}) }}
In development
Tested without CSS
In development
WCAG 2.2 AA compliant
In development
Analytics integrated
In development
Documentation complete

Use 3:2 aspect ratio images as the default for thumbnails on index grid items.

Thumbnails should be around 600px wide and 400px tall to ensure they display well across all screen sizes.

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