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Quickly and easily add National Archives styles and components to your projects.
- Prototyping — Create and iterate on rich and responsive prototypes to test your assumptions.
- Production — Work with established technologies to create stable, consistent services.
Make your service look part of The National Archives with guides for applying layout, typography, colour and images.
- Colours — Use colours to add interest to your pages and content.
- Devices — Provide services for a variety of screen sizes as well as print media.
- Forms — Allow users to enter information, search for content or perform tasks.
- Grid — Use the TNA grid system to help position and organise content on your pages.
- Headers — Use one of the common standardised header patterns to start your page.
- Icons — Use icons sparingly to reinforce call to actions and support small pieces of information such as metadata.
- Images — Use images to provide additional visual context.
- Links — Link to pages within your service or to external resources.
- Lists — Create lists of content to more easily allow users to find what they need.
- Page template — Use the TNA Frontend base template to create consistent page layouts.
- Spacing — Space content out in a consistent and flexible manner that works for all screen sizes.
- Tables — Use a tables to display tabular data.
- Typography — Utilise a full range of typography to more clearly communicate your content.
Save time with reusable, accessible components for forms, navigation, panels, tables and more.
- Accordion — The accordion component lets users show and hide sections of related content on a page.
- Breadcrumbs — Breadcrumbs help users to understand where they are within a websites structure and move between levels.
- Button — The button component can be used as a call to action link or as a button element for use within forms.
- Card — Use the card component for providing previews to articles and pages.
- Checkboxes — Checkboxes allow users to post multiple options for the same field.
- Compound filters — The compound filters can show which multiple filters have been selected. This is useful for search patterns.
- Cookie banner — The cookie banner component allows a user to either accept or decline the use of cookies within a service.
- Date input — Use the date input component to allow the user to enter a date when populating data, such as submitting a record.
- Date search — Use the date search component to allow the user to enter a date to search with.
- Details — Make a page easier to scan by letting users reveal more detailed information only if they need it.
- Error summary — Summarise form errors on the page and provide links to help users complete them.
- Files list — Display a list of files available to download.
- Footer — The footer component provides an area to use for copyright information and additional links to things like social media.
- Gallery — Use the gallery component to show a list of images.
- Global header — The global header component shows users they are on a main National Archives service and provides navigation links.
- Header — The header component shows users they are on a National Archives service and provides navigation links.
- Hero — Use the hero component to start an article.
- Index grid — Use the index grid component to display a grid of links such as displaying a list of all child pages in a hierarchy.
- Pagination — Use a list-type layout if users need to navigate through pages of similar items.
- Phase banner — The phase banner can display the phase that the service is currently in.
- Picture — The picture component can display an image with additional information.
- Quick filters — The quick filters component provides users with a list of links which act as a quick filter to content.
- Radios — Radios allow users to select a single options for a form field.
- Search field — Use the search field component as an entry point into searches.
- Secondary navigation — Add secondary navigation to allow users to navigate between different areas of your service.
- Select — The select component allows users to select a single value from a list of options.
- Sidebar — The sidebar can be used in a page to provide additional navigation.
- Skip link — Use the skip link at the start of a page to allow the user to jump straight to the most important content.
- Tabs — The tabs component can contain multiple tabs of information.
- Text input — The text input component allows users to enter short string of text such as their email address, a record title or a postcode.
- Textarea — Use the textarea component to allow the users to enter a longer string of text information such as feedback.
- Warning — The warning component provides the user with important information about the page or article.
Write content in a consistent and understandable way that makes it easier for users to use your service.
- Dates and times — Write dates and times in a consistent format.
- Error pages — Provide users with clear and helpful error pages when something goes wrong.
- Style guide — Write content in the style of The National Archives.