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Create lists of content to more easily allow users to find what they need.


  1. Unordered lists
  2. Ordered lists
  3. Description lists
  4. Card lists
  5. Dashed lists
  6. Plain lists
  7. Lists of files
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<ul class="tna-ul">
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<ul class="tna-ul tna-ul--spaced">
  <li>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam pulvinar molestie turpis at tristique. Quisque elementum turpis vitae interdum blandit. Nullam euismod egestas lorem.</li>
  <li>Aliquam id est id nulla eleifend feugiat eu euismod neque. Sed nec imperdiet felis, ut posuere dolor. Cras dapibus ligula aliquet, mattis libero quis, tristique augue. Donec posuere tincidunt condimentum.</li>
  <li>Sed pulvinar lacus a magna iaculis commodo. Pellentesque congue ex nunc, maximus tincidunt risus tincidunt eu. Nunc consequat, ligula a finibus placerat, mi risus rhoncus lacus, in gravida justo lorem ut augue. Morbi quis feugiat nunc.</li>
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<ol class="tna-ol">

The description lists can be plain or contain icons.

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<dl class="tna-dl">
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>

You can use a chip list to display a list of chips.

The chips in a chip list can be links and can also contain chip icons. If necessary, the chips can be a plain style with no background.

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<dl class="tna-dl-chips">
    <a href="#" class="tna-dl-chips__item">
      Saturday 28 June 2014
  <dt>Event type</dt>
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
      Wheelchair accessible
<dl class="tna-dl-chips tna-dl-chips--plain">
    <a href="#" class="tna-dl-chips__item">
      Saturday 28 June 2014
  <dt>Event type</dt>
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
    <span class="tna-dl-chips__item">
      Wheelchair accessible

Use a <ul> element to create a list of card components.

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<div class="tna-section tna-!--no-padding-bottom">
  <ul class="tna-container">
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-3 tna-column--width-1-2-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 1</a>
        <a href="#" class="tna-card__image-container" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
          <picture class="tna-card__image">
            <img src=";font=museo&amp;font_size=48" alt="An example image containing the text &#39;Image&#39;" width="600" height="400">
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-3 tna-column--width-1-2-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 2</a>
        <a href="#" class="tna-card__image-container" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
          <picture class="tna-card__image">
            <img src=";font=museo&amp;font_size=48" alt="An example image containing the text &#39;Image&#39;" width="600" height="400">
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-3 tna-column--width-1-2-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 3</a>
        <a href="#" class="tna-card__image-container" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
          <picture class="tna-card__image">
            <img src=";font=museo&amp;font_size=48" alt="An example image containing the text &#39;Image&#39;" width="600" height="400">
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>


{% from "nationalarchives/components/card/macro.njk" import tnaCard %}

<div class="tna-section tna-!--no-padding-bottom">
  <ul class="tna-container">
    {% for i in range(0, 3) -%}
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-3 tna-column--width-1-2-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      {{ tnaCard({
        title: "Card " + (i + 1),
        headingLevel: 3,
        headingSize: "m",
        href: "#",
        imageSrc: "",
        imageAlt: "An example image containing the text 'Image'",
        imageWidth: 600,
        imageHeight: 400,
        body: "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>"
      }) }}
    {% endfor -%}
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<ul class="tna-ul tna-ul--dashed">
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<ol class="tna-ol tna-ol--dashed">
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<ul class="tna-ul tna-ul--plain">
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<ol class="tna-ol tna-ol--plain">
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<dl class="tna-dl tna-dl--plain">
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>
  <dd>Lorem ipsum</dd>

Cards don't require an image. It could be benificial to use them for a list of pages.

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<div class="tna-section tna-!--no-padding-bottom">
  <ul class="tna-container">
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 1</a>
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 2</a>
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 3</a>
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 4</a>
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      <article class="tna-card">
        <h3 class="tna-heading-m tna-card__heading">
          <a href="#" class="tna-card__heading-link">Card 5</a>
        <div class="tna-card__body">
          <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>


{% from "nationalarchives/components/card/macro.njk" import tnaCard %}

<div class="tna-section tna-!--no-padding-bottom">
  <ul class="tna-container">
    {% for i in range(0, 5) -%}
    <li class="tna-column tna-column--width-1-4 tna-column--width-1-3-medium tna-column--width-1-2-small tna-column--full-tiny tna-!--margin-bottom-l">
      {{ tnaCard({
        title: "Card " + (i + 1),
        headingLevel: 3,
        headingSize: "m",
        href: "#",
        body: "<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam vel tincidunt velit, a molestie turpis.</p>"      }) }}
    {% endfor -%}

When listing files, ensure that the link to each file includes:

Including this data will help people who use screen readers and keyboard navigation.

Make the file size no more than two decimal places long and use the appropriate SI units such as bytes, kB, and MB.

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If necessary, split out the data into separate elements to make the list more readable in a similar fashion to the files list component.

All the information needs to be available to both sighted and non-signed users.

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