National Archives Find Case Law: Public API (0.1.3)

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The Find Case Law API allows you to access court judgments and tribunal decisions held in the Find Case Law service, operated by the National Archives.

Our API provides access to judgments and decisions held by Find Case Law that have been converted from Microsoft Word documents into XML. These have been automatically marked up according to the international data standard, LegalDocML, and validated by our legal editorial team. This data includes:

  • Neutral Citation
  • Court / Chamber
  • Date
  • Case Name
  • Party Names
  • Judges' Names

Open Justice Licence

The National Archives, has worked in collaboration with The Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Executive Board to design a new licensing framework for the reuse of case law as data. The Open Justice licence is designed to protect the personal data within the records while supporting the principles of Open Justice.

The Open Justice licence allows you to copy, publish, distribute and transmit case law data. It permits you to use the data commercially, for example, by combining it with other information, or by including it in your own product or application. There are certain conditions that apply under this licence.

You do not need to apply to re-use Find Case Law records if your re-use complies with the terms and conditions of the Open Justice Licence.

The Open Justice licence does not permit computational analysis. If you intend to do any programmatic searching in bulk across the Find Case Law records to identify, extract or enrich contents within the records you will need to apply to perform computational analysis. There are no application charges.

Give us your feedback

We are still actively developing Find Case Law based on user feedback. This includes improving the experience of how data re-users can access the data.

You can provide feedback by using our feedback form.

Reading documents

Detecting content changes

Whenever a judgment gets changed it appears in the recently published list. This includes minor updates such as when we enrich the document with hyperlinks to other legal citations, as well as more significant changes such as revisions we have received from the courts.

Both the Atom feed and the judgment XML include a content hash so that you can check if the text of the document has changed.

Get a list of recently published or updated documents

Less specific feeds can be gained by omitting the components e.g. /, /2022/, /ewhc/ and /ewhc/ch/ are all valid prefixes to atom.xml.

Note that a {court} is required if there is a {subdivision}.

path Parameters
Example: ewca

The court code to return results for.

Example: pat

The court subdivision code to return results for.

Example: 2022

The year to return results for.

query Parameters
Default: "-date"
Enum: "date" "-date" "updated" "-updated" "transformation" "-transformation"

Which of the dates within the document to use for ordering. Prepend a - to sort by newest first.

  • date: The date the document was first published by the court
  • updated: The last date the document was updated in the Find Case Law system, including changes to its metadata
  • transformation: The date the body of the document was last modified, including changes to either the body text, XML markup, or both
integer >= 1
Default: 1

Where results are across multiple pages, the page of results to return.


Get a single document

Retrieve the XML of a single document based on its identifier.

path Parameters
Example: ewhc/tcc/2022/42

The unique identifier for this document within Find Case Law.
