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Backend development

Specific guidance for working on on backend tasks.

Running Django management commands

Locally, Django runs in the web container, and its commands are invoked via the shell.

The web container runs as a non-root user so performing actions such as making migrations must be done in the dev container that does run as a root user.

To start a shell session with your local dev container, run:

fab dev

From there, you can interact with Django exactly as you can see outlined in the official documentation and the many tutorials you'll find on the web.

There is a command manage ... that aliases poetry run python /app/ ... to make running commands easier.

Common Django management commands

Below are some commands you'll use regularly:

Generating database migrations

To make migrations for a new app:

manage makemigrations [appname]

To make migrations for an existing app, use the -n argument to provide a meaninful name to help your peers understand what the migration does:

manage makemigrations [appname] -n meaningful_name_here

Applying database migrations

To apply migrations for all apps:

manage migrate

To apply migrations for a specific app:

manage migrate appname

Reversing database migrations

To reverse migrations for an app, specify the number of the migration you want to revert back to. For example, if you wanted to reverse the following migrations:

  • 003_add_cat_gif_image_field
  • 004_tweak_streamfield_options
  • 005_add_fks_to_insights_pages

You would run:

manage migrate appname 002

If you need to reverse ALL migrations for an app, use the 'zero' keyword, like so:

manage migrate appname zero