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Frontend development

Follow the development guide

To ensure we are working in a way that is compatible with the front end technology aspects of the GOV.UK Service Manual.

There are currently two guides for front-end development, as the content is in the process of being moved across. The original front end development guide on GitHub has lots of useful advice, but is in the process of moving to The National Archives developer handbook. Following these guides will ensure user interfaces are robust, inclusive and meet relevant regulations.

If there are any contradictions between the two, the developer handbook is the one that should be followed.

If you have any questions about any aspect of frontend development seek advice from the Lead Frontend Developer or another Frontend Developer.

Setting up the front end development environment

There are two ways to develop the frontend; through the dev container or on the host machine.

Dev container

fab dev will get you into the command line for the dev container.

From here you have a few commands you can use:

  • build - Compile all the application JavaScript and CSS
  • build-js - Compile the application JavaScript
  • build-css - Compile the application CSS
  • dev - Compile the application JavaScript and CSS and watch for changes (runs in the background)
  • dev-js - Compile the application JavaScript and watch for changes
  • dev-css - Compile the application CSS and watch for changes

Host machine


  1. Install nvm (Node version manager)
  2. Run nvm use to pick up the version of NodeJS defined in .nvmrc. If prompted, run nvm install to install it first.
  3. Run npm install to install the project dependencies


You can now run one of the following commands:

  • npm run compile - Compile all the application JavaScript and CSS
  • npm run compile:js - Compile the application JavaScript
  • npm run compile:css - Compile the application CSS
  • npm run dev:js - Compile the application JavaScript and watch for changes
  • npm run dev:css - Compile the application CSS and watch for changes
  • npm run dev - Compile the application CSS and JavaScript concurrently and watch for changes
  • npm run lint - Check for errors from Prettier, Stylelint and Eslint
  • npm run lint:fix - Automatically fix some linting errors - some may need manual fixes

Working with SASS/CSS

To modify styles, navigate to the sass folder in your editor.

Working with JavaScript

Webpack is used for JavaScript module bundling with entry points and outputs defined within webpack.config.js.

When defining new entry points remember to avoid, where possible, sending JavaScript to a given page where it is not required.

JavaScript testing

Jest is used for JavaScript testing. Tests should be added as siblings of the target file and given the same name with a .test.js suffix.

Let's aim for 100% coverage. Where necessary Jest can be set to run in a browser-like environment by setting the Jest environment to jsdom via a docblock at the top of the file.

Run Jest unit tests with npm run test


Various linting checks are run in the CI pipeline.

All SASS is checked with stylelint - you can see more details of the rules used in .stylelintrc.

All JavaScript is checked with eslint you can see more details of the rules used in .esltintrc.js.

Both SASS and JavaScript are checked with prettier.

You can check your changes for all the linting tests locally by running npm run lint. Some issues can be fixed by running npm run lint:fix, but some may require manual fixes.