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Local development gotchas

This page lists common local development issues and how do resolve them.

How do I disable Django's 'Debug mode' locally?

Sometimes you need to disable Django's DEBUG mode in order to test certain behaviours. To do this, you have two options:

  1. Add DEBUG = False to config/settings/
  2. Add DEBUG=False to your .env file

Making static files work

Guidance from Django Documentation:

Add in config/settings/


Run the development web server

python runserver --insecure

How do I disable Django Debug Toolbar?

If you don't need Django's debugging tools, setting DEBUG=False as detailed above will disable Django Debug Toolbar also.

If you still need Django's debugging tools, but don't want to use Django Debug Toolbar for any reason, you have two options for disabling it:

  1. Add DEBUG_TOOLBAR_ENABLED = False to config/settings/
  2. Add DEBUG_TOOLBAR_ENABLED=False to your .env file

I see an error when viewing the 'Explore the Collection' page on my local build

Ensure you have the relevant entries for the KONG_* settings in your .env file - ask another developer to supply the correct keys if necessary.