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  1. Branch protection
    1. The main branch SHOULD be called main
    2. The main branch in public repositories MUST be protected such that:
      • A pull request is required before merging
      • At least 1 reviewer's approval is required to merge
      • Signed commits are required
    3. The main branch in public repositories SHOULD be protected such that:
      • "Do not allow bypassing the above settings" is enabled
      • Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
      • Require status checks to pass before merging - Note that pre-commit should be a check that always passes and any testing that must pass can also be easily enforced with the checks mechanism
      • Require branches to be up to date before merging - a sub option of the above (this can still be enabled even if there are no checks present)
  2. Naming conventions
    1. Repositories SHOULD be prefixed with a department or project code (e.g. ds- for Digital Services, da- for Digital Archiving or tdr- for Transfer of Digital Records)
  3. Archiving projects/making read-only
    1. Once no longer maintained, teams SHOULD archive repositories

Commit signing


GitHub Actions
