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The layers of the TNA frontend SCSS library is built as:

  1. Variables
  2. Tools
  3. Libraries/Utilities
  4. Components
  5. Overrides


TNA frontend variables are defined in src/nationalarchives/variables.

Lots of variables can be modified but some are fixed, such as our brand colours.

An example fixed variable is $relative-1rem-px where we set the value of 1rem to 16px which makes it easier to define widths as a function of 1rem as we mostly work on a 4px grid:

Pixels REM
1px 0.0625rem
2px 0.125rem
4px 0.25rem
8px 0.5rem
16px 1rem
32px 2rem
64px 4rem

An example of a variable that can be modified is $body-font-size-px which we set to 18px by default. This font size might not be right for all services so we have allowed it to be modified.


The tools provided are reusable @mixin and @function blocks to make writing styles easier. They are defined in src/nationalarchives/tools.

Tools rely directly on variables and can be used throughout the frontend library.

As an exmaple, colour-font() will apply a font colour in a way that should work for all browsers and takes into consideration the light/dark theme used.


The libraries in src/nationalarchives/lib are a mix of third party libraries as well as some TNA ones.

They can join up tools to make larger, more useful elements.


The utilities in src/nationalarchives/utilities are some global styles that aren't associated with a specific component.

This layer is where we define some general purpose elements such as:

  • The tna-template and tna-template__body elements
  • Headings and heading groups
  • Lists (<ul>, <ol> and <dl>)
  • Chips
  • Columns
  • Forms and form elements
  • Tables

These elements all adhere to the BEM methodology.

There are also some classless elements that are styled at this level:

  • <p> elements
  • Inline <strong> and <small> elements
  • <a> elements
  • Media elements (<img>, <svg>, <picture>, <video> and <canvas>)
  • <hr> elements

Utilities should not implement any !important rules.


The most prominent layer of styling, the components in src/nationalarchives/components should use the tools already defined.

Components shouldn't use variables directly. They shouldn't use static values for colour unless the colour of that component will never change, for example the message component which is always yellow.

Some components may use utilities such as headings. Where these styles have already been defined, they should not be redefined. The heading in a cookie banner should use the existing tna-heading and tna-heading--m styles that already exist rather than implimenting its own.

Components should not implement any !important rules. There are exceptions such as the skip link that needs to be visually hidden in a way that it is still available for someone navigating a site with a keyboard.

Components should not care about the context or layout within which they are used. As an example, a breadcrumb could be placed within a card or a footer element although in reality we wouldn't allow this.


Overrides start with tna-!-- and can only be used in HTML classes. They have !important rules.

Examples of overrides are:

  • Spacing (margin, padding etc.)
  • No focus style (.tna-!--no-focus-style) for items such as the target element of a skip link
  • Visibly hidden content (used to add extra descriptions which appear for screenreaders only)