Image formatting

If images need to be placed into a judgment, they must be in a web friendly format (we recommend PNG). This is because other formats will not be registered by the parser and therefore not appear in the web version of all documents.

Example of a linked Excel graph image

Energy Works (Hull) Limited v MW High Tech Projects UK Limited & Anor [2022] EWHC 3275 (TCC)

In this judgment, the uploader has included a graph linked to Excel. In Word, the graph appears as normal:

An example of a linked Excel graph
Linking an Excel graph in Word seems like it displays correctly.

However, the parser has no way of retrieving the data from the linked spreadsheet and therefore cannot present the graph, meaning it appears like this:

Example of a missing Excel graph image on a judgment
Linked graphs to Excel when uploaded do not render when parsed.

To fix this issue, the graph should be converted to a PNG image and then re-uploaded via TDR. The graph will then appear in the judgment.

Before uploading, we recommend double checking how the images look in web view in Word, just to make sure the positioning will translate well to the web version.

Web view can be found in the bottom right hand corner of Word, by the zoom in zoom out buttons.

Location of the Web View function in Word
Using the web view in Word will give a better idea of how the document will be displayed online.